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Motor & Drive Sets
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Easy Servo
(Closed Loop Steppers)
120 / 230 VAC Input
Low VDC Input
AC Servo
BLDC Servo
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Leadshine Easy Servo Motor & Drive Sets (Closed Loop Stepper)

AMT offers easy servo sets, or closed-loop stepper sets , with pre-configured s easy servo motors companion easy servo drives from global stepper/servo leader designer/manufacturer, Leadshine Technology. Those easy servo sets are available in frame sizes Nema 23, 34, and 42 with torque up to 2,832 oz-in (20 Nm). Each easy servo set consists one easy servo motor, and on easy servo drive which can take VDC/transformer AC or direct 120/230 input. The position loops between and servo drives and motors are fully closed in real time, and thus eliminate loss of motor movement synchronization.
Closed-Loop Servo Control

Advanced digital servo control for real-time position correction offers the ability of eliminating "Loss of Step" in open-loop stepper systems.
Simple Control

Simple step & direction control allows quick implementation. Ideal for OEM applications for excellent performance at significantly reduced costs.
Excellent Performance

Huge low-to-middle speed torque, extra low motor heating, low noise, very smooth motion, no overshooting, no hunting, zero position settling time... Excellent performance for muli-axis interpolation in contouring applications.
High Reliability

Proven records of high reliability in industrial applications with rare failure such as CNC routers, mills, laser engravers/markers, inkjet printers, semiconductor equipments, medical devices, packaging machines...
Drop-In Upgrade for Open-Loop Steppers

Quick drop-in upgrade/replacement for open-loop steppers without changing your existing control systems. Choices from Nema 23 to 42; up to 2,832 oz-in (20 Nm). "No loss of step" and much better performance.
Replace Brushless Servo Systems

"PLUG-AND-PLAY" replacement for your traditional step/direction type brushless servo systems. Much higher torque, no gain tuning, no hunting, no control system re-configuration, and at least 50% cost reduction.
120/230 VAC Input

(click for details)
Pre-configured Leadshine easy servo sets taking direct 110/120 or 220/230 VAC. Available in frame size of NEMA 34 or 42 with torque up to 2,832 on-in (20 Nm). Huge torque, no loss of steps, no hunting, excellent response and acceleration, no hunting, no power supplies, and no tuning.
Low Voltage DC Input

(click for details)
Pre-configured Leadshine easy servo sets taking direct max 80 VDC or 80VAC transformer VAC input. Available in frame size of NEMA 23 or 34 with torque up to 1,133 on-in (8 Nm). Huge torque, no loss of steps, no hunting, excellent response and acceleration, no hunting, and no tuning.
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